beauty tips

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff

10 Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Onion juice is a natural ingredient that has been used for centuries to promote hair growth and prevent dandruff. It is made by blending or grinding fresh onions and then straining the pulp to extract the juice. Onion juice is rich in sulfur, which is essential for healthy hair and scalp. Sulfur helps to stimulate blood circulation, promote collagen production, and improve hair texture. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help to reduce dandruff and other scalp infections.

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When it comes to reducing dandruff, the quality of onion juice is important. Fresh onions are the best source of onion juice as they contain the highest concentration of sulfur and other nutrients. Onions that have been stored for a long time may lose some of their nutritional value, so it’s best to use fresh onions whenever possible. It’s also important to use organic onions if possible, as they are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides that can be present in conventionally grown onions.

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff

To get the most benefit from onion juice for dandruff, it’s important to apply it directly to the scalp. You can do this by massaging the juice into your scalp and leaving it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo. For best results, you can mix the onion juice with other natural ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, or lemon juice, depending on your hair type and preferences.

How Can Onion Juice Help Reduce hair Dandruff

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Onion juice contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help to combat the yeast-like fungus that can cause dandruff. The sulfur in onion juice also helps to reduce inflammation and increase blood circulation, which can promote hair growth and a healthy scalp.

Here’s how to use onion juice to reduce hair dandruff:

  • Peel and chop a medium-sized onion.
  • Blend the onion in a blender or food processor to make a puree.
  • Strain the puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Apply the onion juice to your scalp and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the juice on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo and cool water.
  • Repeat this process twice a week to see the best results.

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff

Note: Before using onion juice on your scalp, it’s always a good idea to do a patch test to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction. If you experience any itching, redness, or irritation, stop using the onion juice immediately.

Fenugreek Seeds and Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Fenugreek seeds and onion juice are both known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which makes them a great combination for reducing dandruff. Here’s how you can make a fenugreek seeds and onion juice hair mask:


  • 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • Water


  • Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
  • In the morning, drain the water and grind the soaked fenugreek seeds into a fine paste.
  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Mix the fenugreek seed paste and onion puree together in a bowl.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: Fenugreek seeds have a strong smell, so you may want to add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture to mask the odor. You can also add a tablespoon of yogurt or coconut oil to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits.

Aloe Vera And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Aloe vera and onion juice are both natural ingredients that are known for their hair and scalp benefits. Aloe vera is a great moisturizer and has anti-inflammatory properties, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to reduce dandruff and promote a healthy scalp. Here’s how you can make an aloe vera and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the onion puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Mix the onion juice and 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: You can extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe vera leaf. Cut the leaf and scoop out the gel using a spoon. You can store the remaining gel in the fridge for future use. If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test before applying the mixture to your scalp.

Green Gram Powder And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Green gram powder and onion juice are both natural ingredients that are known for their hair and scalp benefits. Green gram powder is rich in protein and helps to strengthen hair follicles, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to reduce dandruff and promote a healthy scalp. Here’s how you can make a green gram powder and onion juice hair mask:


  • 2 tablespoons of green gram powder
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the onion puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of green gram powder and the onion juice in a bowl.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: You can find green gram powder at your local health food store or online. If you have oily hair, you can add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture for added cleansing benefits. If you have dry hair, you can add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits.

Beetroot And Onion Juice

Beetroot and onion juice are both natural ingredients that are rich in vitamins and minerals that can promote healthy hair and scalp. Beetroot is rich in iron and antioxidants, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to reduce dandruff and promote hair growth. Here’s how you can make a beetroot and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 medium-sized beetroot
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized beetroot and 1 medium-sized onion.
  • Blend the beetroot and onion in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Mix the beetroot and onion juice together in a bowl.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: Beetroot can stain your clothes, so wear an old shirt or cover your shoulders with a towel while applying the hair mask. If you have dry hair, you can add a tablespoon of coconut oil to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits. If you have oily hair, you can add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture for added cleansing benefits.

Snake Gourd And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Snake gourd and onion juice are both natural ingredients that can help to reduce dandruff and promote a healthy scalp. Snake gourd is rich in vitamins and minerals that can nourish the hair and scalp, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to reduce scalp irritation, flakiness, and promote hair growth. Here’s how you can make a snake gourd and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 medium-sized snake gourd
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized snake gourd and 1 medium-sized onion.
  • Blend the snake gourd and onion in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Mix the snake gourd and onion juice together in a bowl.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: Snake gourd has a slightly bitter taste, so you may want to add a tablespoon of honey or lemon juice to the mixture to improve its smell and taste. If you have oily hair, you can add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture for added cleansing benefits. If you have dry hair, you can add a tablespoon of coconut oil to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits.

Lemon Juice And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Lemon juice and onion juice are both natural ingredients that are known for their hair and scalp benefits. Lemon juice is rich in citric acid, which helps to exfoliate the scalp and remove dead skin cells, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to reduce dandruff and promote a healthy scalp. Here’s how you can make a lemon juice and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 1 lemon
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the onion puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon into the onion juice and mix well.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: Lemon juice can be drying, so if you have dry hair, you may want to add a tablespoon of coconut oil to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits. If you have oily hair, you can skip the oil and use the mixture as is for added cleansing benefits.

Olive Oil And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Olive oil and onion juice are both natural ingredients that can help to nourish and moisturize the hair and scalp. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that can strengthen the hair and improve its elasticity, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to reduce dandruff, promote hair growth, and leave your hair soft and shiny. Here’s how you can make an olive oil and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the onion puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the onion juice and mix well.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: Olive oil can be heavy, so if you have oily hair, you may want to skip the oil and use the mixture as is for added cleansing benefits. If you have dry hair, you can also add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits.

Coconut Oil And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Coconut oil and onion juice are both natural ingredients that can help to nourish and moisturize the hair and scalp. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties that can help to reduce dandruff and scalp irritation, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to promote hair growth, improve hair texture, and leave your hair soft and shiny. Here’s how you can make a coconut oil and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the onion puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to the onion juice and mix well.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: If you have oily hair, you may want to use less coconut oil or skip it altogether. If you have dry hair, you can add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits. You can also add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil to the mixture for added fragrance and scalp benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Apple cider vinegar and onion juice are both natural ingredients that can help to balance the pH of the scalp, reduce dandruff, and promote healthy hair growth. Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, which helps to exfoliate the scalp and remove buildup, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to cleanse and detoxify the scalp, leaving your hair soft and shiny. Here’s how you can make an apple cider vinegar and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • Water


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the onion puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the onion juice and mix well.
  • Add a little water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the paste on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: Apple cider vinegar can be harsh on the scalp, so it’s important to dilute it with water before using it on your hair. If you have dry hair, you may want to skip the vinegar or use it sparingly, as it can be drying. If you have oily hair, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the mixture for added cleansing benefits.

Apple Juice And Onion Juice

Best Onion Juice Remedies to Reduce Dandruff:- Apple juice and onion juice are two natural ingredients that can be used together to promote healthy hair growth and prevent dandruff. Apple juice is rich in vitamins and minerals that can nourish the hair and scalp, while onion juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Together, they can help to stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss, and leave your hair soft and shiny. Here’s how you can make an apple juice and onion juice hair mask:


  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 1/2 cup of fresh apple juice


  • Peel and chop 1 medium-sized onion and blend it in a blender to make a puree.
  • Strain the onion puree using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the juice.
  • Mix 1/2 cup of fresh apple juice with the onion juice.
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair and massage it in gently.
  • Leave the mixture on your scalp for 30-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see the best results.

Note: You can also add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture for added moisturizing benefits. If you have oily hair, you may want to skip the honey or use it sparingly, as it can be too heavy for oily hair. If you have dry hair, you can also add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture for added nourishment.


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